Sunday, May 13, 2012

Little Fighter Estiaan Nel is 5 years old and an only child

On Wednesday 11 April, he was diagnosed with cancer of the cerebellum. He endured a 7-hour operation on the 16th, where doctors were able to remove some of the tumour. It seemed as if all was going well, but Estiaan developed a blood clot a few hours afterwards and was rushed back to theatre. The second operation was a success, and the little boy's whole family breathed a sigh of relief. By the next evening all looked as if it was going well; Estiaan was breathing on his own, 40% of the tumour had been removed, and the catheter could come out.

On 11 May, Estiaan suffered a setback, and his parents and grandparents rushed to his side. It seemed as if this brave little boy was losing his fight, and his heartbroken parents, Alfrieda and Stefan, spent their 9th wedding anniversary at the hospital with their son in the belief that his journey was over.

Miraculously, Estiaan managed to rally again, and the update from his Granny Tanja on our facebook page earlier today was greeted with joy by our supporters and everyone at LFCT

"Estiaan has just opened his eyes and looked at me. Showed him his blankie & dinosaur! He nodded that he saw, which is wonderful. Was more responsive today. Told him about the car his oupa bought for him, with Estiaan's name on it! We told him that we would visit his oupa when is is well again & he smiled at me. Those were a precious few moments with him. He has now closed his eyes again."

This family has no medical aid, and needs all the help they can get in the form of assistance. In this case, the community had rallied round them, and some of them got together to raise some funds with a special benefit concert held last night in George. Once I know how much was raised I'll let you all know!

Please continue to keep this family in your thoughts and prayers; even if you can't help our Little Fighters in any other way, your prayers are always welcome and needed

Brightest Blessings to all our Little Fighters, their families and our supporters.

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