So, while I am dressed in red and have that bull staring me in the eyes, just as determined as I am, a lot stronger and a lot more experienced than me, let me be a bit daring. I mean, what can happen? I am fighting a bull I can't see, can't touch, can't hear, smell, taste or put in a cage and shoot.
You need to wake up South Africa, your children are dying, your future is dwindling, your homes are becoming empty of the pitter patter of little feet...and you sit there, looking on, the bull fight a show of gruesome proportions which you condone if you don't stand up against it.
Childhood cancer awareness is not just a phrase. It is action.
Get off your butts South Africa! This country has a proud history of the masses standing up in protest for what they believe in. Do you not believe in the right of our children, YOUR children, having a future, of simply having the right to LIFE?
The following, if you need reminding, is an extract taken from the website of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, under the sub section "Children"
"Children need special protection because they are among the most vulnerable members of society. They are dependent on others - their parents and families, or the state when these fail - for care and protection.
As a result, the drafters of our Constitution have made children's rights a priority - and have stated that the best interests of a child are the overriding concern when it comes to any matter affecting him or her"
Please pay some attention on the three words I took the liberty of highliting in the first sentence of the paragraph.
DEPENDENT ON OTHERS. Who are the others in the case of childhood cancer? The overworked and underpaid medical staff? The emotionally, physically and financially drained parents? No. It's YOU, and me. And if I count all the you's...and me, then there is a couple of million of us who are bound not only by our personal moralities, but by the greatest law of this country to fight for our children.
A couple of million. And what is the true support base for childhood cancer really? A couple of hands full. A few flickering flames of Golden Hope in a blinding storm of pain and discourage.
I want to leave you with a last thought.
A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
Whilst the storm seems to rage and your flame seems so small...imagine the light when the few hands full of passionate childhood cancer awareness supporters can each, one by one, light all the candles within their reach.
How many unlit flames are surrounding YOU today?
So... Get to work!
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