Then we use the excuses of not having the time, the money, the resources, the contacts, the.....
You know, those are really just excuses.
IF you really WANT to do something, you will. If you feel like a cup of coffee, you don't get it by sitting around and not even switching on the kettle.
LFCT is living proof that there IS a way where there is a way. I don't think people understand just how hard we work to be able to do everything we do. We WANT to do we do. There is never excuses, just get it started and get it done. You get on the phone, you harass people, you beg, you email, you come close to stalking people...but, we get stuff done.
We know how it is to have no money. We know how it feels to take pot shots in the absolute complete darkness and hope for a positive outcome. We know how it feels to be turned down repeatedly. But every door that is slammed shut in our faces makes us even more determined.
Because you know what? We have the worst motivation there can be.
Children with cancer.
Meeting them, holding them, speaking with their families, hearing horiffic stories, seeing awful things. Things that follow you into your dreams at night. Dreams that keeps you aware, pushes you in front of your computer in the middle of the night when you could be tucked safely in bed. Things that make you stand in front of your healthy children's beds in the dark, thankful and terrified at the same time. Things that drives you day in and day out to do more, to get bigger, to reach further, to run the extra 1000 miles.
For those who can't do it for themselves.
Wat was your excuse again?
Excuse me? Did you have a cup of coffee this morning? Well, it really IS that simple.
If you WANT to be the difference, you WILL.
Time to put on the kettle...
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