Monday, April 23, 2012

Blogging for money...worth it for LFCT?

I must admit, a few months ago, I started blogging about LFCT, our Little Fighters and Projects. However, as we got more and more families on our support chain, as our projects became bigger and time less, I let is slip...BADLY! I even forgot the login details and password. Eish!

So, now I sat down and looked at this whole blogging thing seriously. Mainly because I noticed that you can earn money by blogging.

Obviously you need to blog a lot and even more than just a lot of people actually need to be interested enough in your blog to read it. The money earned is generated by topic related adds placed on your blog.

I can quite happily dedicate a few minutes a day putting a blog together. I suffer from something called passion, so to share my thoughts pertaining to childhood cancer, the challenges, the victories and to tell you more about our families and projects will be easy peasy.

BUT...the question remains, will enough people actually read an LFCT blog to enable it to earn a steady income from the amount of monthly views?

So, will you read it?

Let's see if we can get some feedback and perhaps a few comments, and then we'll take it from there.

Sincerely yours,

The Up-To-Now-Infrequent-Blogger:-)

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